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Provider Portal

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The Challenge

Zelis, an industry leader of healthcare payer and provider servicing, is seeing an under utilization and poor customer opinion of their Provider Portal software.

The Provider Portal should be an easy method of customer engagement as well as an additional revenue stream for the organization. It’s instead considered the weakest tool offered by Zelis and must be corrected in order to stay ahead of competition within this fast-growing market.

We discovered a strong desire within Zelis’ leadership to understand Human Centered Design and by making use of our extensive research capabilities, we sought to better their brand’s ability to recognize the importance of empathy while building products.

The Results

As a result of understanding the user and business, our team was able to provide a successful self-checkout experience that led to


Reduced Reduced customer checkout time checkout time


Yearly revenue increase with shorter wait times


Reduced workforce resources cost for customer service/support during the self-checkout process

The Team

Product Sponsor

UX Director

UX Lead

UX Designer

Business Stakeholders


Business Analyst

Project Manager


Digital Strategy

MVP Research & Requirements

Initial UX Ideation & Definition

Backlog Implementation & Planning

The Process

Our Process

Discovery & Observation

Understand the Business

We hold in-person kickoff meetings to learn the history of the product, and what they know about the problem space and their user base.

Understand the User

In order to gain insight into the user needs, we conduct sessions with the users and ask about their experiences.

Understand the Product

To better understand the existing product we document the information architecture, and evaluate the design.

Analyze & Define

Refine the Findings

Utilizing our research, we refine and solidify the project’s focus to better align with business goals and user needs.

Synthesize the Findings

Examining our findings with stakeholders provides an opportunity to redetermine business motivation vs. user goals.

Prioritize the Findings

Prioritizing features based on impact vs. cost/time further aligns the project and business teams for the project’s success.

Build & Test

Conceptualize the Design

We create rudimentary designs from the workflows and user journeys in order to understand what actions will be available on a screen-by-screen level.

Formalize the Design

Adding a layer of polish by selecting the proper colors and shapes within the interface further enables the users to easily navigate the product to achieve their goals.

Evaluate the Design

By utilizing high-fidelity mockups within clickable prototypes, we begin to validate and refine what will become the final product.



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Company Name & Client Title

Putting wireframes in front of users during testing helped us "fail fast" before we spent resources on development efforts.